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Vintage advertisementDuffy's -- for grip, consumption
Vintage advertisement Duffy's -- makes the weak strong

Duffys Malt Whisky 

 Bottle Circa: pre 1900 

Origin: Rochester, New York.

Manufactured: 1868 - 1926

Duffys Malt Whisky has a interesting history, it was created by one Walter B Duffy in 1868. By invoking malt in its name (malt was considered healthful at the time) Duffy could market his whiskey as a medicine, thereby evading liquor taxes, and still sell booze to those of the temperance movement.  Outlandish marketing ie; “in old age, in illness, in all cases of weakened vitality, nothing is so quick and permanently beneficial as…”  led to ever increasing scrutiny.  This culminated in a 1907 Food and Drug Administration inquiry.  At which the presiding official  stated  “Duffy’s Malt Whiskey is one of the most gigantic frauds of the age and in  flagrant violation of the law”. 

Vintage advertisementDuffy's -- spring time

South Carolina Dispensary JO JO Monogram and Broken Palm 

Palm Bottle Circa: 1893-1900 

Flask Bottle Circa: 1900-1907

Origin: South Carolina

Manufactured: 1893- 1907


The SC Dispensary System was instituted by Governor Ben Tillman, at the behest of the temperance movement.  This allowed the state to exert monopolistic control of liquor production and sales.  All independent saloons and liquor stores were shuttered, under this system alcohol was bought wholesale and married into state sanctioned bottles, whiskey was whiskey no brands to chose from.  Though run for a short time, the dispensary system had an outsized effect on liquor laws in South Carolina.


Side note: the Palm emblem was only used from 1893 to 1900 as the temperance movement did not like how closely it resembled the state flag.

South Carolina dispensary  Palmetto Label
SC-dispensary building
Vintage photo Inside a south Carolina dispensary factory cast and bottles can be seen with workers in the background

Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup

Bottle Circa: 1880-1900

 Origins: New York, New York

Manufactured: 1845 -1930s


Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup came on to the market in 1845 and was produced by Jeremiah Curtis and Benjamin A Perkins for teething and colic babies. The medicine claimed to “give rest to mothers and relief and health to infants” unfortunately, given its two primary ingredients were morphine and alcohol its overuse could result in coma and death. Cited in The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, it was denounced by the American Medical Association in 1911 but continued to be sold until 1930. 

Recommendations on dose: Children under one month 6 -10 drops, three months old 1 half teaspoon and six months and up one teaspoon. This was up to 4 times a day for general fussiness. 

Those doses were to be given every 2 hours if the child was suffering from dysentery until symptoms visibly improve. 

Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ad women in dress being walked in to a room by a man in a yellow and blue outfit both folowing a skinny man in tophat and striped red pants
Mrs Winslow's soothing Syrup with two babys one awake one sleeping
Mrs. Winslows soothing syrup with mother in dress holding baby on shoulder with bassinet in garden.
Mrs winslows soothing syrup ad with two chairs leaning over the back of one is a cherub seated in the other is a sleeping mother

L Roses & Co. 

Bottle Circa: 1880-1900

Origins: West Indies 

Manufactured: 1865 - present

Lauchlan Rose founded L. Rose & co in 1865 very early on Rose developed a process to prevent fermentation in preserved fruit juice that did not use alcohol, it was standard practice to add 15% rum to staunch fermentation.

The bottle design of embossed lime leaves and fruit was a signature to the packaging dating back to 1880 and used as trademark. 

Roses Lime Juice bottle with label
Wormwood Cordial Reconsidered Trifle three bottles in cobalt, whole wheat and celadon

Wormwood Cordial 

Bottle Circa: 1852-1871


Manufactured: 1852-1871



From period Boston Business Directories one finds that Dunbar and Company operated from 1852 - 1871

They were importers of wines, liquors, Ale and Porter. 

There are a number of variations on the company name T.J. and P Dunbar and John Muzzy, Dunbar T.J. and Co, Thomas J. And Co, T.J. Dunbar and Co. 


Wormwood is a woody shrub with a bitter aromatic taste, used as and ingredient of vermouth , absinthe and medicine.


Wormwood was used for a variety of digestive problems, upset stomach, intestinal spasms, loss of appetite, and gall bladder issues. It is also used to treat fever, liver disease, depression, muscle pain, memory loss and worm infections.


Cordial is another word for liqueur, a strong, sweet alcoholic liquor, usually drunk after a meal. 

Bottle Circa: 1890's - 1900's

Origins: Atlanta, GA

Jacobs Pharmacy is best known for being the first location that  Coca-Cola was sold (may 8, 1886).  Funnily thought the soda fountain was owned and operated separately by a Willis E Venable whom should Jacobs his shares in coca-cola as payment on a loan. There was a clause in the stocks where Pemberton (inventor of coca-cola) received a 5 cent royalty per gallon. Jacobs was displeased by this and recalled coca-colas inventor “seems to be pressed for money pretty much all the time and was having money advanced constantly based on potential royalty.”   Having only sold 25 gallons in its first year Jacobs was pleased to sell his stocks to fellow pharmacist Asa Griggs Candler whom made coca-cola what we know today. 

Eugene J. Jacobs Pharmacist

Vintage advertisement for Benbows Dog Mixture


Dog Mixture

Bottle Circa: 1880-1900

Origin: United Kingdom

Manufactured : 1830 - 1900


“Sure Remedy for /a reliable tonic and original medicine for Distemper, Jaundice worms and ailments common in dog breeds.”

Established in 1835 in the United Kingdom. 

Atwood's Jaundice Bitters

Bottle Circa 1850’s-1880’s

Origin: Georgetown Massachusetts

Manufactured: 1840’s-1940’s


This bottle would have been produced by Manhattan Medicine Company. 

Moses Atwood sold his Jaundice Bitters company in pieces and parts, by 1855 he had sold all interest to numerous people. This is a brief run down; Carter & Dodge which was purchased by the Manhattan Medicine Company, Lewis H Bateman,  L.F Atwood whom also sold to Manhattan Medicine Company,  Nathen Wood later Nathen Wood and Son, Charles H. Atwood whom sold to Alvah Littlefield & Company which then sold off to Gilman Brothers. Its of no surprise that this resulted in many disputes around name usage and formulation, which resulted in trademark trials as well as advertisement that warned you to only buy “genuine Atwood’s Bitters”


Recommended for:  jaundice, headache, dyspepsia, worms, dizziness, los of appetite, darting pains, colds and fevers. For cleansing the blood of humors and moistening the skin. Also for liver complaints, strangury, dropsy, croup and phthisis.

Atwood's Bitters text advertisement
Atwood's Bitters text advertisement
Atwood's Bitters text advertisement

F.W. Jessen

 Charleston S.C. 

Bottle Circa: 1880’s

Origin: Charleston South Carolina 

Manufactured : 1880 - 1890

 Pre- Dispensary System Merchant Bottle

During the 1880’s all alcohol dealers had to have authorized bottles with their name on them as a way to regulate alcohol distribution. This system ran up until 1890's when the state tightened its grip on the liquor monopoly with the institution of the South Carolina Dispensary System.

Fredrick William Jessen Born in Germany 1852 Died in Charleston SC 1923 

Champagne Beer Shaped Bottle.

Dr. Pepper

Bottle Circa: 1942

Origin: Lauren’s Glass Works 

Manufactured : 1885 - Present

 The nations oldest sodas still in production. Founded in Waco Texas in 1885.

Dr Peppers first slogan “Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4!”

Vintage advertisement for Dr. Pepper

E.P. Ricker and Co

Liquor Dealers

Bottle Circa: 1880’s

Origin: Sumter South Carolina

Manufactured : 1880-1890

 Pre- Dispensary System Merchant Flask

During the 1880’s all alcohol dealers had to have authorized bottles with their name on them as a way to regulate alcohol distribution. This system ran up until 1890’s when the state tightened its grip on the liquor monopoly with the institution of the South Carolina Dispensary System.

Little information can be found about this exact example. 

There is a know Bar License for EP Ricker  for the year 1893. However there is little doubt that this establishment existed before and after that date.

Royal Remedy & Extract Company

Bottle Circa: 1890’s

Origin: Daton Ohio

Manufactured: Late 1890’s 1910’s 

Founded in 1876 by Mt Irvin C Souders incorporated in 1888.

Filled with Souder Flavoring extracts and Perfumes as well as special remedies.

Sued for mislabeling of weight by the FDA in April of 1913, plead guilty and fined $25, $16.85 of which was court fees. 

Vintage advertisement for Davis Vegetable Painkiller


A Perfect Cola

Bottle Circa: 1930’s

Origin: Kingsport TN

Manufactured : 1924 - 1930's

 Chero-cola’s first name change after loosing name suit to coco-cola in 1923. They would maintain the new Chero-A Perfect Cola for around 10 years before changing to the final name of Nehi. 

Groves Tasteless 

Bottle Circa: 1890’s 1910’s

Origin: Tennessee

Manufactured :  

Edwin Wiley Grove born in Tennessee in the 1850’s and  had chronic hiccups. His wife and child died of malaria which was the inspiration for Groves Tasteless. It was a “tasteless” treatment that contained quinine which is bitter but not in the case of the Groves medicine. It sold better than coke-cola in the 1890’s with their “ Makes Children and Adults as Fat as Pigs.” Moto. 

Vintage advertisement Groves baby Pig

Bottle Circa: 1840’s - 1860’s

Origin: Unknown

Manufactured :  1840-1860's

Open Pontil

Fragrance or Extract and would have been considered medicinal. 



J.A. Krusling & Husemann

Bottle Circa: 





Bottle Circa: 1850's - 1880's

Origin: Milwaukee

Manufactured:  1840's - Present

Pabst Brewing


Bottle Circa: 




Bottle Circa: 



Not To Be Taken

Dr. J Hostetter's Stomach Bitters

Bottle Circa: 



Bottle Circa: 

Origin: Streator, IL


Maschroft & Son

Streator Bottling Works

Hoyt's German Cologne

Bottle Circa: 1870-1890

Origin: Lowell Massachusetts

Manufactured:1860’s- 1951


Company named after its founder, Eli Waite Hoyt, according to his biographical sketch:

 “at the age of fourteen years he became a clerk in the drug -store of E.A. Staniels…. at length was received as a partner in the business. Upon the death of MR. Staniels, in 1861, Mr. Hoyt, then twenty-three years of age, became sole proprietor.”


Other than in name, the cologne has no connection with Germany whatsoever.  

In light of the high cost of producing sample bottles, the company would soak its trade cards in the perfume before delivering them to retail agents. They also mailed soaked trade cards to customers if they sent in a 2 cent stamp.

Hoyt's German Colone advertisement with four cats.
Hoyt's German Colone advertisement  with frog putting colone on bouquet of flowers
Vintage advertisement for Hoyt Colony

Reconsidered Trifles

Solomons and co text advertisement

Solomons & Co Druggist

Bottle Circa: 1890's

Origins: Savannah, Georgia

Manufactured:1865- 1981

Abraham a Solomons first opened an apothecary shop in Savannah in 1845 with his brothers Joseph M and Moses J.


This pharmacy ran for three generations.


 Bottle Circa: 1888 

Origin: Baltimore MD 

Manufactured: 1888 - 2008


Bromoseltzer was a powder that was to be mixed with water before ingestion. It claimed to fight a headache in three ways; containing acetanilide to ease the pain, bicarbonate to relieve excess stomach acidity and sodium bromide to calm jumpy nerves.


Sodium bromide was removed from the formulation in the 1970’s when it was classified as a tranquilizer, acetanilide was withdrawn from the pharmaceutical market in 1983 due to “unacceptable levels of interstitial nephritis (kidney inflammation) and rise of tumorigenicity (carcinogenic)”. It is also of note that high levels of exposure to acetanilide could cause methemoglobinemia, a condition in which hemoglobin loses the ability to bind oxygen, sufferers thereof could develop a blue tint. 

Woman tap dancing for BromoSeltzer Advertisement
Bromo-Seltzer text advertisement
cartoon of 5 people with drink chero cola underneath
Chero- Cola
Bottle Circa: 1910 - 1924

Origin: Columbus, Georgia

Manufactured: 1910 - 1924


Created by Claud A. Hatcher in 1910, the drink became so popular that by 1912 Coca-Cola claimed and eventually won a trademark infringement case, forcing Chero-Cola to drop “Cola” by the early 1920’s.


First the company was known as Union Bottle Works (1905) and produced Royal Crown ginger ale and Royal Crown Strawberry, in 1910 the company name was changed to Chero-Cola Co. In 1924 the name was changed again to Nehi Corporation. It is said that: over hearing a worker referring to tall bottles as “knee -high” Claud found his new company name.

During WWI, with the food administration’s limitations on sugar usage, Chero-Cola Co established and operated its own sugar refinery, purchasing raw sugar from Cuba. Hedging on the high prices the company bought sugar and began filling every available warehouse in Columbus. After the armistice sugar prices dropped to 8 cents a pound, forcing the company to the verge of bankruptcy, it wasn’t until 1926 that all the incurred sugar debts were paid off. 

6 different chero cola bottles

Chesebrough MFG CO Vaseline 

Bottle Circa: 1880s- 1890’s

Origin: Perth Amboy, New Jersey

Manufactured: 1860 - Present

Patented in 1872 by Robert Augustus Chesebrough, under Chesebrough Manufacturing Company (an oil company), in Perth Amboy, New Jersey


Story goes that in 1859 after hearing of a oil discovery in Titusville, Pennsylvania  Robert Chesebrough went to see the prospects.  It was there he encountered ‘rod wax’ a byproduct material that built up on the tubing and rods of plumping wells. It is from this material that Chesebrough was able to extract what became known as Vaseline.


The original extraction process involved vacuum distillation and repeatedly filtering through ‘bone black’ (charcoal made from bones)


The name Vaseline is derived from the German word for water (Wasser) and the Greek word for Oil (elaion)



From the manufacturer

“Promises to be of considerable value in the arts, and to enter into very general use for medicinal, pharmaceutical and toilet purposes.”

vaseline advertisement of a stack of bottles
vaseline advertisement of two bottles
Rumford Girl with bird on cup Advertisement

Rumford Chemical Works

Bottle Circa: 1850’s

 Origin: East Providence, RI.

Manufactured: 1854 - Unknown 

Rumford Chemical Works, was founded by professor Eben Norton Horsford of Harvard.   With over 30 patents to his name including the formulation of modern baking powder, his company produced a variety of chemicals beginning in 1854. One popular product, which this bottle originally contained, was Horsford’s Acid Phosphate.  This concoction was mixed with a glass of cold water and sugar resulting in a lemon-lime tonic that was  “…delicious and refreshing drink”, taken “for mental and physical exhaustion, dyspepsia…” 

British soldiers around table full of bread

Dr. Kings New Life Pills

Bottle Circa: 1880’s

Origin: Chicago, IL

Manufactured: 1880 - 1910


Dr. King New Life Pills claimed to “Never fail to effect a cure, even when Physicians and all other known remedies have failed.”. Incidentally when I found the original bottle the pills were still contained there in. 

Recommended uses:  to cure disordered liver, constipation, malaria, sick or nervous headache, loss of appetite, dizziness,  jaundice, fever and flatulency.

Dr King New Life Pills Text Advertisement
Dr. King New Life Pill text advertisement
Dead Shot Bottle with Lable

Dr. HF Perry Dead Shot Vermifuge

Bottle Circa: 1850’s 

Origin: New York, New York

Manufactured: 1840 - ?


Dr. H.F. Perry Dead Shot Vermifuge (human dewormer) claimed to be “…capable, from the promptitude of its action, of clearing the system in a few hours of every worm.” Based on the numerous examples of this bottle I’ve found, the product must have achieved its desired effect. 

Caw's Ink New York Ink

Bottle Circa:  1880’s-  1890’s

 Origin: New York, New York

Manufactured: 1886  - 1920


Caw’s ink started in 1886 with the acquisition and renaming of what was Foundation Ink Company, who’s best selling product so happened to be a “crow colored ink”, the inspiration for the new name. 

Presidents, Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland both used and endorsed the Caws Brand. 

caws ink advertisement with crow being held on arm of man
Caw's Ink bottle with text below
Davis Vegetable Pain Killer with Cherabs

Davis Vegetable Pain Killer

Bottle Circa: 1850’s

 Origin: Providence, RI.

Manufactured: 1840 - 1940


Davis Vegetable Pain Killer was created in 1840 and is believed to be the first nationally advertised remedy for pain. Creator Perry Davis trademarked the term “Pain Killer” in 1845, vegetable, refers to it being an opium derivative.  Mark Twain said “Those who could run away did, those who could not drenched themselves in cholera preventatives and my mother chose Perry Davis’ Pain Killer for me.” 

In production for over 100 years, it is said to have been given to both soldiers and horses during The Civil War.

Davis Vegetable Pain Killer add with bottle drawn as a ship

Philips Milk of Magnesium

Bottle Circa: 1918 - 1923

Origin: Stamford, Connecticut

Manufactured: 1873 - Present


Invented by an English Pharmacist named Charles Henry Phillips, and patented in 1873 under the name Hydrate of Magnesia.  Charles died suddenly from apoplexy in 1888 and his four sons acquired and ran the corporation until 1923 when it was bought by Sterling Drug.


The cobalt blue glass wasn’t used until 1918 and after 1923 “Phillips” was removed from the embossing. This bottle would have been manufactured by a machine.


 Recommended for:  Relief from a sour stomach, neutralize gastric acidity, correcting general hyper acidity, biliousness, and indigestion. Also marketed to treat hangovers, wrinkles, gluttony, middle age and “smoker’s fag”

Woman hugging child with Makes Life Sweeter text under for Phillips Milk of Magnesia Advertisment
Reconsidered Trifle Flask bottle Bull Dog Gin in Brown

Bull Dog Gin

Bottle Circa: 1900- 1930

Origin: Unknown

Manufactured: Unknown


Our research has shed little light on this bottle. We believe it to have been produced in the U.K.


While glassblowing in the states had become a machine trade by the early 1900’s, the guilds of Britain protected many craftsmen from mechanization until the second world war.  

The presence of hand or machine tooling being an accepted means of end dating glass bottles, country of origin must be taken into account. 
Ie: a bottle made in 1900 in America could look the same as a U.K. bottle produced in 1930

This is considered a "Maverick" bottle because it does not indicate where it is from.

Davis OK Baking Powder

Bottle Circa: 1900-1910

Origin: Hoboken, NJ

Manufactured:  ?- Present


Originally produced by R.B. Davis Co, and currently owned and manufactured by Clabber Girl, the yellow and red label have been the same for over a century. 

Mexican Mustang Liniment Advertisment Text says for man and beast

Mexican Mustang Liniment 

Bottle Circa: 1850s

Origin:  St. Louis, Missouri 

Manufactured: 1825 - 1906



Produced by Dr. A.G. Bragg, later by Lyon Manufacturing Company


 All-Healing medicine

“For Man and Beast” 


Recommend for: rheumatic pains, sprains, strains, burns, bites, scalds, colds, sore throats and lameness.

“Mexican Mustang Liniment ingredients - petroleum, olive oil and carbonate of ammonia, each in equal parts: mix.” Page 24 from The Artisans’ Guide and Everybody’s Assistant By Richard Moore 1873

Mexican Mustang Liniment with child tending to hurt puppy with cat horse and anoter dog looking on.
Woman smiling with blue background in fancy dress words for the complextion stoddarts peerless liquid

Stoddarts Peerless Liquid 

Bottle Circa: 1870’s 

Origin: Buffalo, New York

Manufactured: 1875 - 1880

Stoddarts Peerless Liquid began with the purchase of the secret formula for Champlin’s Liquid Pearl in 1875 by Thomas Stoddart. A face make-up made from Bismuth Oxychloride (used in cosmetics since the Egyptians), Precipitated chalk, Glycerin, Water, Color and Perfume. Incidentally when looking up Bismuth Oxychloride I found a GHS hazard statement attributing it to skin and eye irritation. 


Bottle Circa: 1910 

Origin: Wilmington, North Carolina. 

Manufactured: 1906 - present


Astyptodyne is a salve that was discovered by accident at a turpentine plant in 1906. Apparently there was a steam pipe that burst severely burning some workers, in their haste to flee the building one of injured men fell in to a vat of pine tar.  That man healed quicker and more completely than the other fellows.

Also it’s still produced today! (

Recommended uses: everyday cure for; aches, pains, cuts, scrapes, rashes and a host of other ailments. 

Astypodyne Recosidered Trifle with celadon top and white bottom
Three H.P sauce Reconsidered Trifles

H.P. Sauce

Bottle Circa: 1900’s

 Origin: United Kingdom.

Manufactured: 1895 - Present


This is an early HP Sauce sample bottle, named in honor of London’s Houses of Parliament, and would have contained a familiar brown tomato based sauce. This same sauce can still be purchased today. 

H. Michelsen Florida Water

Bottle Circa: 1890-1900 

Origin: St. Thomas, West Indies.

 Manufactured: Dates Unknown


 Historically the name Florida Water was a term for a perfumed mixture of essential oils and alcohol and was used as a cologne. Information on this specific company has been difficult to ascertain. 

Reconsidered Trifle Florida water ceramic bottle in blue with green leters that say florida water h michelsen st thomas wi
John Ryan Bottling and soda water advertisement

John Ryan

Bottle Circa: 1852- 1866

Origins: Savannah, Georgia

Manufactured: 1852 - 1880’s


This bottle was produced by the Excelsior Bottle Works, first soda bottler in Georgia. A historical marker noting the founder John Ryan can be found at the corner of Bay and Montgomery, Savannah, Georgia.  


Though bottling was done in Savannah Georgia, most of their bottles were manufactured by Union Glass Works in Philadelphia. During the Civil War Excelsior Bottle Works struggled to stay open, as one would expect, bottle shipments were disrupted. 


Manufactured: soda water, foreign mineral waters, porter, ale, cider, cordials, lager beer, syrups, bitters, essences, etc. 

The original contents on this particular bottle would have been beer. 

Muskegon Brewing Company


Bottle Circa: 1890-1900

Origin: Muskegon, Michigan

Manufactured: 1876 - 1919


Founded 11 years after the civil war, by three German immigrants; Gottlieb Ninneman, and brothers Otto and Gustav Meeske.

What started out as a small Brewery producing around 8,000 barrels a year, had reached  production of 60,000 by the 1890’s.


Bottle made by William Franzen and Sons in Milwaukee they were in business from 1877 -1919.

This mark was used between 1896-1900


Brewed until the dark days of Prohibition. 

muskegon brewing ad with american eagle and text
Clorox Advertisement with cartoon woman hanging clothes


Bottle Circa: 1933 -1936

Origins: Oakland, Califorina

Manufactured: 1913 - Present


First produced under the Electro-Alkaline Company for commercial use only, it wasn’t until 1916 when a less concentrated version was made and marketed for home use.  To boost household sales, Annie Murray, wife of founder William Murray, gave away 15 ounce sale bottles outside of their family Grocery Store. In 1917 it was introduced at the California State Fair and by the 1920’s  was such a popular product the company changed its name to Clorox, a combination of its two primary ingredients. 


“Clorox Bleaches, Deodorizes, Disinfects, Removes Numerous Stains … even scorch, mildew”


“The Modern Way to lighten housework”


“When its Clorox-Clean its Disinfected”

Kara Artman monogram
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